Safe Foot Travel Guardian App & Safety Station Concept
Project process summary:
Located in North Baltimore, MICA’s campus is nestled within one of the most crime-ridden city. Inspired from concerned students and their parents, we launched into this research project to understand all major stakeholders: Students, Campus Safety Department, Law enforcements, and local businesses. We noticed some disconnect in perception and knowledge gap among the stakeholders.
Campus Safety were competent that they were doing their job well while some students felt unsafe and couldn’t distinguish the perception of danger from real danger while business owners didn’t think the campus safety could have positive impact in their businesses.
Finally, we tried to map out which type of solution would be fitting in this community by mapping out the current existing methods of deterrent/ways of avoiding dangerous situations by axes of Smart-Primitive and Active user input-Passive user input. We ideated a security system called NIVA for foot-travellers and provides monitoring and deterring aggressors by live-recording the user’s location data, and recording via phone app or ‘stations’ installed throughout the city.