The Gazer is an automated object designed to alter the sense of privacy in its environment. Its motion is subtle and almost stealthy. Its face is featureless dark abyss that resonates with the common domed security cameras. In today's technological advancements in surveillance and increased desire and need for privacy, we are extremely sensitive of "gaze" of others. Gazee's behaviors can differ extremely depending on the presence of gaze and what kind of gaze it is. The more public the gaze is, the less comfortable we are. By installing the Gazer, I question our psychology in space with surveillance and what it means for public or the unknown to be gazing at us.
This project was, at heart, to question the psychological space and how it is affected by today's surveillance method by personifying the public gaze into a mythological creature. It was very interesting to discover how different individual's background and association with design elements affected the relation with the Gazer.